Looking for a self-motivated remote freelance developer (bonus points for angularjs experience!)
Contact Nathan Bertram <nbertram@gmail.com>
Launch event, May 14 @ 5pm, WAG
Brian's running for mayor and is a technology & open data focussed candidate
Sean Walberg, P.Eng.
# Recipe personalization_server = search(:node, "chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment} AND recipe:personalization").first template "#{node[:nginx][:dir]}/sites-available/example.com" do source "site.erb" variables({ personalization: personalization_server }) end # Template proxy_pass http://<%= @personalization %>:8080;
name 'load_balancer' description 'haproxy load balancer' run_list('recipe[haproxy::app_lb]') override_attributes( 'haproxy' => { 'app_server_role' => 'webserver' } )
(From the nagios cookbook)
if node['nagios']['multi_environment_monitoring'] nodes = search(:node, 'name:*') else nodes = search(:node, "name:* AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}") end
if node[:hazelcast][:memory].nil? system_memory_mb = node['memory']['total'].split('kB')[0].to_i / 1024 node.default[:hazelcast][:memory] = "%dM" % [1024, system_memory_mb - 512].max end
default[:nginx][:worker_processes] = node[:cpu].size * 2
knife bootstrap myhost -r 'role[base]'
Uses https://github.com/ezrapagel/knife-vsphere
SERVER=xxxprehazeldb01 IP= ENVIRONMENT=preview RUNLIST="recipe[hazelcast::database],role[base]" new_node.sh
sean.walberg~$ knife search node -i 'recipe:hazelcast' 10 items found xxxdevhazel03.dmz.example.com xxxqathazel02.example.com xxxstghazel03.example.com ...
knife ssh 'recipes:hazelcast' chef-client