Sean’s Obsessions

Sean Walberg’s blog

Changing Jobs

I put in my two weeks notice at Ceridian on Friday. For reasons I’m keeping to myself, I haven’t told anyone where I’m going, what I’ll be doing, or where the job is. I have to admit, the rampant speculation is a great source of amusement! Quitting is always a pain because you’re comfortable where you are. But I’m looking forward to a clean inbox, no more Lotus Notes, a new set of people and a new set of projects.

I was at Ceridian for a little over 4 years and managed to learn a lot and meet some great people. However, the constant reorganization, complete lack of vision, and poor management are what drove me away.

To the folks at the other company I was interviewing at, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I know you have high standards which is what drew me to you. I’m disappointed that I didn’t meet those standards. Even though I would have been junior compared to you, I think I would have made you proud. Even the long haired guy whose name I forgot who probably thinks I’m an idiot after interviewing me. I’m horrible with names but thanks Wade, Michelle, Scott, and especially Jason.


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