Sean’s Obsessions

Sean Walberg’s blog

Testing via Screen Scraping

Trying to figure out how to write a test based on screen scraping. Easiest example is to make sure that certain URIs redirect to the login screen.

Created an “automated” dir under app/tests/cases/, with a file called permissions.test.php:

class PermissionsTestCase extends CakeWebTestCase {

var $mysite = "";
function setUp() {

function tearDown() {

function testMe() {

$result = $this->get($this->mysite . "/");
$this->assertHeader("Location", $this->mysite . "/users/login", "Homepage redirects to login");

The “setMaximumRedirects” is there because WebTestCase will, by default, follow 3 redirects. Here I tell it not to, then I get a page and check the status code and the header.

Lots of stuff you can test specific to a web page:


I’m trying something new here. Talk to me on Twitter with the button above, please.